We at the Tobey Auto Group are dedicated to the satisfaction and safety of our customers. It is our goal to continue to provide a highest level of quality services while insuring the health and well-being of our customers and staff.
- Every store is now a “no-contact” facility. We don’t shake hands, fist bump or hug until further notice.
- Everyone is also adhering to 6ft distance between all people.
- All staff is required to engage in good hygiene by frequently washing their hands.
- We are in touch with numerous agencies at the state and federal level to be certain that we receive the latest updates and protocols.
- We have increased the frequency in which high-volume, high-touch areas are cleaned and sanitized.
- Sales are by appointment only.
- Appointments can be scheduled here.
foremost priority, and we will continue to share updates with you as quickly and transparently as possible. And remember, you can shop with us or schedule service on your car with us 24 hours a day here or if you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to call 937-372-4451